I think this perfectly summarizes the point I was trying to make. We're all entitled to our opinions, but this is exactly the point I am trying to drive home in this article. This is what it "boils" down to. There's a reason why marriage vows include in good times and bad, because bad will eventually come. Your partner may in fact stop "showing up". Science says that loves only lasts about 3.5 years on average. After that, the feel good oxytocin coolaid wears off and you're on your own. My point in my article is that women need that A LOT MORE than men. Yes, you most certainly "choose yourself", which sounds kinda selfish, but self preserving. When people get married, they ought to cut out the death do you part and replace it with this lasts as long as it lasts because we obviously don't have any the patience or the discipline to do anything else. I stick to my original thesis, happiness comes from within - that is what it boils down to, still.