I would suppose that the entire point of this article is to say that you are the one who is wrong. Sex is definitely a physiological need. Would you say that you are "food" addicted because you have frequent cravings? The word "addiction" is frequently tossed around casually and incorrectly. Addiction means it is impacting your overall health, your ability to work, and is not seen in the general population. None of these things apply to a healthy sex drive for a man. It is a perfectly normal part of the normal "operation" for a man and does not require treatment. Certainly there can be some extreme cases where such addiction is present, but I'm talking about the 99% of normal men who still have a health physiological need for sex. So, if your man isn't getting that need met by you - you can be sure he is getting it elsewhere - usually by his own hand/pornography or cheating. This is why it is vitally important for women to understand that sex is not an "optional" need in a relationship. It is like starving a man and is extremely and horribly cruel.