If you have been together for 2 years and are already living together with unlimited bedroom fun, then I'd say you were already "married". The big "commitment" was moving in together. You might as well thrown the party and put the ring on it at that point. After all, if you saw anyone else, that would be called "cheating", wouldn't it? You can't cheat if you haven't agreed to be exclusive - which is what the "marriage" is all about. So, if cheating is possible, then you are already married, whether you think so or not. You have given your boyfriend, husband rights.
But there definitely needs to be an update to the marriage contract which eliminates the financial and "death do you part" components. Nobody can tell the future and nobody wants to lose everything when the inevitable happens. Ultimately, we're just too selfish and spoiled to think we could commit to anything for life. I would think people who live together can just "say" they are married, put a ring on it and just vow that this lasts as long as it lasts - no need for the government to be involved.