Is it really "gaslighting"? Is it something deliberately "manipulative" and lying?
I've heared a lot about this term "gaslighting" and quite frankly - I don't get it. I think it is usually a cover for poeple who don't want to accept any accoutability for their actions and don't like to hear when they are getting called out.
Could it be that you really are "overreacting" or "too sensitive" or you really do imagine hurts that only occured in your mind or interpreted things in the worst possible way and putting words in other people's mouth or making a mountain out of a mole hill?
In my ordinary experience, things like that happen all the time. People are bound to take things "personally" and take things wrongly or misinterpret the situation. When those things happen, then you should be called out on your bad or inappropriate behavior. Take some accountability for your actions if you are getting called out on.
So, while you may have actually been "gaslighted" and someone really is trying to deliberately manipulate you by lying, the first thing you should consider is whether that person has a reasonable point or see how they could see it that way.