Relationships are great, but I think we should all cut ourselves a lot more "slack" for being "human". It's not even telling just women to put up with it. Everyone has to put up with the reality that we all handle temptations and if you want to really have a long term relationship for better or worse, you better be prepared for the worst. People like Adam Levine just simply have a lot more opportunities and temptations. Now what I find paradoxical is that the reason why you don't like infidelity is because you think that it may cause your relationship to break up. But just finding out that someone has commited infidelity causes the other person to want to break up immediately (as this is an inforgivable sin) - which causes the very thing they were afraid of in the first place. You seem to be equating "relationships" as being the same thing as "fidelity" and that anything suggesting that relationships can involved more than 2 people is "anti-relationship". What is anti-relationship are expectations which cause the relationship to be actually broken. I think when people get married, added to the sickness and health and better and for worse, should be "in fidelity and infidelity" because you know what? It's not a matter of if it happens, but just a matter of when and to what degree. If you aren't prepared to handle that in a reasonable way that doesn't result in the immediate destruction of the relationship, then you shouldn't get married because you are going to get divorced like 50% of the people, most likely the women initiating. So really, it isn't a matter of telling women to "put up with it", it is to tell them to "understand" it as a natural inclination and be prepared to handle it in a "realistic" manner, setting your "unrealistic puritan" standards aside. So, yeah, Adam Levine and a lot of other guys are going to have an "affair". What is more "anti-relatoinship"?, those who say that his wife should divorce him, or those who recognize this for what is is and be understanding, cut him some slack and to work it out?