Thanks for the reference. I do believe I found the paper on the internet:
I read the entirety of this 39 page study. It mainly shows that women are far more likely to breakup the relationship if married. If just cohabitating, then there isn’t a statistically significant difference between men or women initiating the breakup. This study looked at several factors including education and concluded that none of these factors made any significant difference. From pg 18:
“power differentials in education, or income between partners do not appear to explain the women’s role in wanting divorce”
From pg 20:
“Neither women’s supposedly greater sensitivity to relationship problems, nor income gaps, nor education gaps, nor conservative religious identity, nor woman’s age, nor the presence of children explain why women are so much more likely than men to desire exit from heterosexual marriage”
Nothing in this study supports the statistic that “College-educated women initiate divorce at an even higher rate: 90%.” The statistic “90%” cannot be found anywhere in the paper. The paper itself seems to contradict this in the conclusion that education level did not appear to play a role in the inclination towards initiating a divorce.
I really want to believe this statistic to be true and I was really hoping that you might point me to it because it is something that is extremely important (the role that education level plays in divorce) and I want to quote it, but I won’t quote something that I can’t back up.