Thanks for your honest and balanced assessment. As a divorced guy, I have been trying to understand why women divorce perfectly good men. You are not alone. In fact, I'd say you are the majority of women who are all divorcing for exactly the same reasons. I wrote my own article about the flood of women initiated divorce:
The moral of the story is that people want to get divorced because they are "not happy" due to unmet expectations which are entirely under their own control. It's not finances, cheating, abuse or something obvious. I think your article may explain why men feel so blindsided by divorce because men simply have lower expectations and are therefore happier. If the house isn't on fire and food is on the table, then things are perfectly fine. I think it is a tragedy of the American family that perfectly fine husbands like myself are getting divorced and it is absolutely terrible for the children. If you think that you should stay married for the sake of the children, I would say the answer is absolutely yes. I would think it would be a good idea to have a law that says you cannot divorce until all your children reach the age of 18 because it is so bad for children. All of these divorces for "irreconcilable differences" is just code for "I'm selfish and I reject my commitments". There's a reason why they vow for good or worse because worse does always come. But thank you for your honesty, that helps me better understand your point of view.