The reason why most single men don't get dates is because women simply aren't interested in men, period. How would you explain why 100% of the women at a gym wearing headphones and staring at their phones and giving off don't dare look at me or I'll mace you attitudes? Not a single exception to this ever! Women are even wearing headphones in stores now.
Just zero interest in men, in fact, less than zero - most women spend extraordinary amounts of energy repelling any kind of advances. Read my article on if women have had it with men. The last time I heard a women gush about some guy she had a crush on was "never". No sensible guy would ever approach a women with such a negative attitude and without an approach, there can be no date. So it ends there for most guys. None of what is mentioned in this article matter at all if women actively prevent the initial approach. If I guy manages to miraculously "break the ice", then these characteristics can come into play, otherwise its just two ships passing in the night.
This article is entirely about blaming the guy for why he doesn't get dates and completely absolving women for any accountability in this. There is a lot of blame to go around but this is a particularly lobsided viewpoint. Both men and women have made it just about impossible to make any connections and both will need to make adjustments if we all don't want to go to extinction.