This all boils down to "emotional disconnection" and being "unhappy". However, your happiness is an internal emotional state and life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. I hate to tell you this, but if you are unhappy, it is because you are allowing yourself to be unhappy. You have given yourself permission to wallow in unhappiness in a very deliberate manner. You take no accountability for your situation. If you are living in America, then you are probably spoiled compared to others who are in war and are are actually starving and have genuine things to be unhappy about. Yes, you, (not your husband) is in charge of your happiness and whether you are happy or not is actually a conscious decision you are making. In my humble opinion, much of the distress brought on by people who want to divorce is completely "self inflicted" by inflated expectations promoted by mainstream media (e.g. Disney princess) and you are the only one who can stop hitting your hand with a hammer. I explain this in my own article: