Wait, you're expecting the guy to take out the trash, meaning that you are already living together?
Have you not heard the saying - "Why buy the cow when the milk is free?"
Exactly what kind of "commitment" are you expecting here? I'd say that "moving in together" is a pretty big "commitment".
If your partner were to "date" someone else, would you consider that "cheating"? Cheating implies there is a game being played that has specific rules which must be obeyed, or else cheating is occurring. However, if the rules have never been laid down, then how can anyone possibly "cheat"?
I personally think (not a popular opinion) that it is technically impossible to "cheat" if you are not "married" because that is what that marriage vow means that you have setup the "rule" that you are a monogamous and exclusive couple. Short of that, you are single and free to see and do whatever you wish.
On the other hand, if you have already moved in together and you think your partner can cheat, then I would say you are already "married". What more can you achieve as a couple once you have moved in with each other? At that point, it is just a party and a piece of paper.
Unfortunately, there really isn't anything in it for a man to marry. It is extremely risky with women initiating 70-90% of the divorces. See:
Women divorce men on a "whim" (no infidelity, no money problems, no abuse) and they take all their money and their children. A frightening prospect.
If you've already moved in and given him unlimited bedroom fun, then he already has everything he ever wanted. Perhaps you should have had the "We need to talk" (mostly something you don't what to hear) before you moved in.