Why buy the cow if the milk is free?
If you are living together, that is a common law marriage already. Yes, you are already married whether you admit it or not. The act of living together is marriage plain and simple. You might as well have the party.
I think that we need to do away with this “death do you part” bit and just say “this lasts as long as this lasts” and you are free to leave anytime. That is something that a man can genuinely and honestly commit to. Who came up with these crazy marriage vows that no one can keep? Considering the prevalence of divorce, it wouldn’t be much of a difference.
Also, if you get married, you stand a 90% chance of becoming so unhappy that you will be the one initiating the divorce.
So it really isn’t in your best interest to become married versus co-habitating where the chance of initiating a breakup is a more even 50/50.